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Layer 1 Blockchain Core Integration with Bitget Wallet (Core DAO)

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    Bitget Wallet

    Bitget Wallet

    Victoria, Seychelles, Nov. 01, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Bitget Wallet, formerly known as BitKeep Wallet, has recently broadened its blockchain support by integrating with Core (Core DAO), an EVM-compatible Layer 1 blockchain.

    This integration is designed to offer an enhanced user experience. With just a single tap, users can seamlessly navigate to the Core mainnet. A user-friendly interface aids the wallet users in obtaining their mainnet address and managing Core tokens easily, be it receiving or transferring assets, all within the robust features of Bitget Wallet.

    Beyond token management, another notable feature is the Bitget Wallet DApp Browser, which facilitates seamless interactions with popular blockchain projects within the Core ecosystem. Users can access a number of DApps built on the Core ecosystem, such as LayerZero, SushiSwap, DappRadar, TaskOn, and others. Bitget Wallet DApp browser also boasts a vast selection, showcasing over 20,000 mainstream DApps across all mainnets!

    Additionally, Bitget Wallet will collaborate with Core (Core DAO) to host a major ecosystem event, offering airdrop rewards to the community members.

    About Bitget Wallet

    Formerly known as BitKeep, Bitget Wallet stands as Asia's largest and a global frontrunner among all-in-one Web3 multi-chain wallets. We offer a comprehensive range of on-chain products and DeFi services to our users, including wallet functionality, Swap feature, NFT trading, DApp browsing, and more.With a 5-year legacy, Bitget Wallet has garnered acclaim from over 12 million users worldwide and has secured partnerships with prominent industry leaders including Ethereum, BNB Chain, Arbitrum, Polygon, and others. This success stems from our commitment to consistently delivering secure and convenient products and services.In March 2023, Bitget, a leading crypto derivatives trading platform made a substantial $30 million investment in BitKeep, acquiring a controlling stake. Following this strategic move, BitKeep underwent a transformative and strategic brand evolution in August, officially rebranding itself as Bitget Wallet.

    For more information, visit: Website | Twitter | Telegram | Discord

    About Core DAO

    Core is a Bitcoin-powered blockchain that uses Satoshi Plus, an innovative consensus mechanism that integrates Delegated Proof of Work (DPoW) and Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS). This approach combines the existing Bitcoin infrastructure for security and decentralization with EVM-compatibility, allowing a focus on scaling and creating use cases that otherwise would not be possible on Bitcoin.
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    CONTACT: media-at-bitget.com


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    Author: Jessica Smith

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    Name: Jessica Smith

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